Studying in college seems to be the last thing on students minds as athletics, sorority or fraternity gatherings and summer internships fill the days quickly, leaving less time to study. Chaotic lives lend to some challenging issues for many college students. Study drugs, also known as ‘smart drugs’ are prescribed generally for ADD or ADHD Read More…
Top 10 Enabling Behaviors
Enabling behavior can take many shapes and forms. The biggest challenge is that enabling does not help an individual with addiction to face the real problems addiction brings. Learn why enabling is not helping and how to notice the signs. Enabling Dealing with a person with addiction is not easy. If a person struggles with Read More…
Can Weed Help People Sleep?
People who use marijuana believe frequent use can help aid in sleep but the perception is being challenged by recent studies which look at the reality of sleep patterns for users of marijuana. Learn more about whether this is true and the ramifications. Sleep Studies The Journal of Addictive Diseases, coauthored by Michael Stein, found Read More…
Why Enabling is Not Helping
It can be difficult to discern the difference between enabling and helping but the fine line exists that can be critical to the success of an individual in seeking help for addiction. Anything that makes life easier for an individual with addiction is likely enabling. Helping is truly supporting the individual to seek help for Read More…
Xanax Overdose: Can it Happen?
Xanax is usually prescribed to treat general anxiety and panic disorders, as well as anxiety brought on by depression. The way the drug reduces anxiety is by slowing the flow of chemicals to the brain that may have become unbalanced. Yes, it is possible to overdose on Xanax, however it is very difficult to do so. Read More…
Stereotypes of MDMA Users
MDMA was discovered in 1912, when Dr. Anton Kollisch on the Merck Pharmaceutical Company was working on creating a new blood clotting medication. While working on his research, Dr. Kollisch found a string of new chemicals, one of which was MDMA. At that time, the drug’s psychoactive effects were unknown. However, the U.S. government caught Read More…
How Does Vicodin Work
Vicodin is a synthetic drug used for the treatment of pain. The active ingredients in Vicodin are hydrocodone and acetaminophen. The medication is an analgesic (pain reliever) and antitussive (cough suppressant). How Long Does Vicodin Last? It takes Vicodin about an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour to effect the body. The acetaminophen in Read More…
Withdrawal Symptoms from Nicotine
Nicotine is a drug found in tobacco, which is what makes cigarettes addictive. In fact, the drug can be as addictive as alcohol, morphine or cocaine. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually only last from a few days to a couple of weeks. However, the cravings for cigarettes last much longer. Withdrawal Symptoms The body and brain Read More…
Addictive Properties of Adderall
Is Adderall addictive? Simply put, yes, Adderall is addictive. But what makes it addictive? The active ingredients in Adderall are amphetamine and dextroamphetamine which are synthetic substances, related to the drug methamphetamine. Amphetamines increase levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the central nervous system. Taking Adderall produces a euphoric effect or a sense of well Read More…
How Tolerance to Percocet Develops
When an individual needs to keep taking more Percocet for it to work, then they may have developed a tolerance to the medication. However, increased tolerance to Percocet is different from Percocet dependence. So what is Percocet tolerance and how long does it take to develop? Is Percocet detox necessary to change the body’s reaction Read More…