Sticking to Goals When the Going Gets Tough


People typically want to have a quick and simple remedy for how to make it in recovery. Easy, painless solutions to help overcome anxieties and fears are the norm but is not necessarily true. It does not mean effective solutions are not on the horizon. Learn some tips for sticking to goals when things get challenging (and they will) in recovery.

Six Strategies

The following are some things to consider when trying to be successful at achieving goals in recovery. This reflects advice and recommendations of people in the field of addiction recovery who offer some helpful tips. Each person is unique so it helps to tailor each of the ideas to a personalized plan of attack based on what works for each individual.

Stick to the Plan

Commitment to a vague plan out of rehab can be detrimental. This may include eating regular, healthy meals and getting enough sleep, going to appointments, reading and finding a hobby. It helps to have some concrete things laid out as to how things will get achieved even if the timeframe is loosely based. The biggest thing is to stick with whatever plan of action is created.

Take the Long View

Rehab for alcohol or drug abuse and addiction focuses on treatment for gambling, sex, workaholism, overeating or other addictions. Gradual transitions into everyday life will be more helpful as will returning home to having a balanced view of what to expect. Learning about addiction and the disease can help process learning and practice coping strategies. Allow time to learn healthier lifestyle habits for the long term.

Learn from Mistakes

One of the biggest parts of recovery is learning from past mistakes. Mistakes do happen in spite of best intentions. It is healthier to understand how mistakes happen and how to do things differently to work through the challenges in the long run.

Think Small, Act Big

Getting started can be intimidating but it does not have to be. With practice, an individual can learn to take recommendations for how to get moving in recovery and take big steps on smaller actions first that can lead to big, positive results.

Practice Appreciation

Appreciation or gratitude are very helpful tools when moving through recovery. The early stages are full of new things to do but participation in groups and tackling daily lists can help a person move forward with an attitude of gratitude.

Believe in Success

Belief in one’s self then working hard to achieve it is important. If a person follows the pathway to success, it is one day at a time powered by a personal belief it will happen (in time). Nothing happens without hard work so it helps to focus and move forward with a positive belief in the power of one’s own ability to succeed.

The Villa helps people who are struggling with addiction believe in the power of personal success. Recovery is possible, call us if you need help to find the tools to get there.

