Doctor Shopping is Fueling Prescription Drug Abuse

  Doctor shopping is a primary way people with addiction obtain prescription drugs for non-medical use. When a person visits several doctors to get a prescription for the same medication in different locations, it can be dangerous and punishable under the law. Learn more about the risks and dangers of doctor shopping. Growing Trend Addressing Read More…

Commonly Abused and Addictive Painkillers

Synthetic or semi-synthetic opiates are some of the most addictive painkillers on the market today. Typically prescribed for chronic pain, the awareness exists of its potential for addiction but often happens when individual users try to control the dosages to manage pain or when unused pills are given away for non-medical use. Find out some Read More…

Why Sober Friendships are Amazing

Sober friendships can be a lifeline when going through recovery. Friends are those people who an individual can come to rely on in any circumstances, know personal stories and situations but still are there no matter what, without judgment. One of the greatest things about recovery is building lasting bonds with others who are on Read More…

Why Sober Friendships are Amazing

Sober friendships can be a lifeline when going through recovery. Friends are those people who an individual can come to rely on in any circumstances, know personal stories and situations but still are there no matter what, without judgment. One of the greatest things about recovery is building lasting bonds with others who are on Read More…

The Biology Behind Triggers for Cocaine Use

When treating drug addiction, relapse is at the heart of the issue. Initially, detox is challenging but the threat of relapse lasts long after detox and withdrawal symptoms subside. No medical treatments exist for cocaine addiction that support psychological so it is more challenging and leads to higher incidences of relapse. Learn more about the Read More…

8 Quick Facts About Sex Addiction

Not all individuals who enjoy and seek out sex are really sex addicts. Not all individuals who enjoy and seek out sex are really sex addicts. Someone with a genuine sex addiction is characterized by a loss of control in regards to their relationship towards sex, multiple failed attempts to stop undesirable sexual behavior and a Read More…

How to Detox from Heroin at Home

Heroin detox at home requires some forethought around whether it is possible or even safe to do. Learn more about the process to know if it is something that can be done safely without adverse risks or side effects. Detox Every case of addiction includes dependence and detox. The toxins in the drug leave the Read More…

Effects of Snorting Heroin

The Effects of Snorting Heroin

Snorting heroin can cause overdose, death and many infectious diseases. Review more about what the effects of snorting heroin can be and how to weigh the dangers and risks of snorting heroin to get high. What Snorting Does Heroin is a scheduled I narcotic which is illegal and dangerous. It is not regulated or prescribed Read More…

What Are the Signs of Gambling Addiction?

Between 2 to 5 percent of American adults are affected by some form of a gambling addiction. It could be playing lotto, buying lottery tickets or frequently going to the casino. If an individual’s desire to gamble means that they end up spending money they don’t have to spend, or borrow to gamble, then it Read More…

Does Heroin Cause Euphoric Effects?

Heroin can create extreme euphoria but the addictive properties are well known which can lead to abuse. Learn more about how heroin causes euphoric effects. Psychoactive Ingredients Derived from morphine, heroin is highly addictive with a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. When consumed, the drug triggers Read More…