Difficult stories are a reflection of the lives people live on a daily basis. Suffering is a part of everyone’s life to some extent, some experience more than others. It may feel disingenuous to just let it all go and focus on the future but, in fact, it is helpful to focus on the positive Read More…
4 Sober Truths About Giving Up Alcohol
Giving up alcohol is not an easy decision but it is one of the best decisions a person can make for increased overall health and vitality. Many reasons exist why a person gives up drinking but some hard truths also go along with sober living. Find out why the four sober truths about giving up Read More…
New Year, New You: Resolutions for Sober Living
The beginning of each year signifies a new start for many people. This is even more true for individuals living with addiction in recovery. January is a popular time for rehabilitation facilities as the new year provides motivation to change. Learn some resolutions to help bolster sober living goals in the new year. Motivation When Read More…
How to Shift Your Attitude Towards Gratitude
More often than not, many people struggle to find a balance between complaining about the small things that happen in life and being grateful for the smallest things in life. It is a fine line to shift towards an attitude of gratitude. Learn how to make that shift happen away from the stress and anxiety Read More…
Don’t Give Up Until You’ve Really Tried Sobriety
Quitting drinking can feel simple at first but it is a lifelong journey, not just a one stop deal. After spending years of one’s life thinking of drinking, going out drinking and being involved in scenes where alcohol was present it will take many more years to finally be free of the mindset and experience Read More…
Celebrating Milestones in Recovery
Milestones in recovery are important to celebrate for many reasons. Two main categories exist: holidays, birthdays and sober anniversaries along with attainment of critical skills in support of recovery. Sober anniversaries and skill building are critical to success in recovery so it is beneficial to celebrate any time things go well which helps the healing Read More…
Emotional Aftermath of a Loved One’s Addiction
Drug addiction takes away the ability to stop using drugs or alcohol without support. A person with addiction will continue using in spite of harm it brings to the self or others. Some substances are more addictive than others. Other drugs have more potent effects. Over time, dependence can lead to addiction. Learn how to Read More…
5 Tips to Find Limitless Potential for Success
Every person has the power to fulfill limitless potential. Human performance has not yet reached its peak. Every person has a peak capacity to which he or she can aspire, whether it is through arts, music, science, computers, math, business or any other goal. The trick is that it may take many years of hard, Read More…
Why Your Friends Cannot Stay Sober and What You Can Do
Sobriety is an important milestone, whether it is the first day or many years. Recovery is a journey which has its own ups and downs. Temptations to use will always be present and the recovery path will be filled with obstacles and barriers. The best way to deal with staying clean comes down to choice. Read More…
Give up Mind Games and Get on Track in Recovery
The head is a dangerous place to go for people in recovery. Thoughts, patterns of thinking and destructive habits can derail a person’s recovery which may result in relapse. The addictive mindset fantasizes about ‘good times’ while blocking out the real reality of addiction and its consequences. Learn more about how the mind plays tricks Read More…