Cocaine is produced from the leaves of the coca plant. Cultivated in large quantities in South America, the drug is mixed with an array of chemicals including sulfiric acid, kerosene, caustic soda and cement to produce a liquid. This then is boiled to get a more solid form of cocaine. Learn more about how cocaine Read More…
Activist Against Heroin Loses Two Kids to Drug Overdose
Any mother who loses a child to the heroin epidemic experiences unimaginable tragedy. One mother in particular dedicated herself to waging a war against heroin yet still lost two sons to an overdose within hours of one another on the same night. Learn more about her story. The Fight Vicki Allendorf runs a national non-profit Read More…
How to Quit Gambling with a Different Approach
Gambling is considered the number one psychological addiction. The best recommended treatment for a gambling disorder is a combination of a 12 Step Program and sessions with a trained clinician. That being said, it is important to keep in mind that all individuals are different and require personalized recovery programs. Paths to Gambling Recovery There Read More…
Detox from Methadone
Methadone impacts the central nervous system by blocking receptors that produce euphoric feelings and a state of feeling wonderful. A synthetic, long-acting opioid, methadone is similar to morphine in that sense. Methadone works by preventing opiate withdrawal symptoms, blocking euphoric effects of opiates and minimizing cravings. Learn more about the process of detox for individuals Read More…
How to Treat a Psychological Addiction
What is a psychological addiction? A psychological addiction is defined as a compulsion or a perceived need to use a drug. For example, an individual addicted to marijuana might think that they can’t fall asleep without taking the drug. When the psychological addiction is severe, these thoughts can become all consuming, and the individual will Read More…
Historical Timeline of Heroin Use in the United States
Opioid related deaths soared between 1999 and 2011, while the heroin epidemic also rages on. Although heroin addiction has been a societal problem with many facets and layers, it may have contributed to the acceleration of abuse and dependency on pain medication and other drugs. Learn more about the historical chronology behind the American heroin Read More…
Street Drugs You May Not Have Heard of Yet
Everyone knows about the dangers and abuse potential of drugs like cocaine, heroin or alcohol. But not everyone is aware of lesser known drugs like Spice or Smiles. Because new synthetic drugs are constantly being designed in laboratories, there are new drugs coming into the market on a regular basis. So what are some lesser Read More…
Schools and Teen Exposure to Drug Addiction
When children go off to school, the hope it an education will be the primary thing each child receives. Graduation onto successful careers and a productive way of life are important goals to have but some teens are derailed from studies by drug or alcohol use and addiction. Find out more about exposure to drugs Read More…
If You Haven’t Heard of DMT, You Might Sooner Than Later
DMT stands for Dimethyltryptamine, which is the active ingredient in Ayahuasca, a plant based mixture that causes hallucinations. Ayahuasca is commonly used in shamanic rituals in the Amazon. According to drug researchers, DMT is growing in popularity and can also be smoked by itself. According to the Global Drug Survey, DMT has a larger proportion Read More…
Special Challenges Faced by Youth in Recovery
The number of young people in recovery is increasing but it is not clear exactly why. Addiction is a growing problem across populations of people, young or old. It is also more acceptable to discuss the issue now. Either way, in recovery, teens need lots of support and resources. Learn more about the special challenges Read More…