Heroin cravings can be some of the toughest to ignore when the calling comes. It is sharper, stronger and more intense than some people imagine. Learn the way cravings work and how it feels to experience a strong desire to use heroin. Some tips will be provided to help work past the cravings to stay Read More…
Creative Therapies for Teens
Creative therapies are an invaluable resource for adolescent treatment. Adolescents often benefit from treatment modalities that do not only focus on the cognitive processing interventions but focus instead on a growing range of alternative and diverse methods. The brains of adolescents are still growing and, sometimes, experiences with art and creativity can help express deeper Read More…
What Are the Elements of Cocaine Detox Treatment?
One of the most frequently abused stimulants is Cocaine. Individuals who are addicted to Cocaine experience profound loss over stimulant intake, in response to the stimulation and disruption of reward centers in the brain. So how does one withdraw from Cocaine safely? What To Expect From A Cocaine Detox? When an individual ceases their chronic Read More…
How to Help Someone with Heroin Addiction
When first making the discovery of a loved one using drugs, especially heroin, the feelings that arise range from confusion to powerlessness. It can feel overwhelming to understand what happened. The road to recovery can be long but it is possible. Learn how to help a loved one with addiction navigate the road back to Read More…
What is the Nature of Cocaine Abuse?
In the United States there are an estimated 2.1 million people who have abused Cocaine at least once and many of those continue to use it regularly. Cocaine is one of the oldest drugs known to man, and has a history of wreaking havoc on lives, tearing apart families and ruins individuals financially and socially. Read More…
Current Trends for Teen Drug Abuse
Teen drug abuse is a growing problem nationwide with the inclusion of many club drugs on the open market and available online. Teenage substance abuse comes with its own designer trends, not available in the average apparel store. Learn more about current trends for teen drug abuse. Synthetic Drugs “Designer drugs” are hitting the scene Read More…
Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholics
Alcoholism is a family disease that affects not only the person with addiction but everyone in that person’s inner circle. At home things may be chaotic, disorderly and dysfunctional but may also branch into severe abuse. Children raised in homes with this type of rancor often exhibit behaviors based on traumatic experiences. Learn more about Read More…
What Are the Dangers of Cross Addiction?
What is cross addiction? When an individual gets addicted to a particular drug, for e.g. heroin, they are much more likely to develop a similar dependence on other drugs in the same drug class, for e.g. prescription painkillers. This is what’s known as cross addiction. It is an unfortunately common problem in today’s world. Tolerance Read More…
Is Drinking Absinthe Dangerous?
What is Absinthe? It’s an herbal liquor consisting of anise, fennel and wormwood. The liquor is green in color, which is derived from the chlorophyll of the wormwood leaves. A component of wormwood is thujone, which can be toxic in high doses, and is known to block gamma-aminobutyric receptors in the brain, which can lead Read More…
Can I Help My Teen with Recovery Aftercare Program?
Aftercare for addiction recovery is extremely essential, and it’s importance can’t be overstated. It forms a significant part of a teen’s successful recovery. What is aftercare? It can be defined as the continuing individualized programming that takes place after completion of treatment. The National Institutes of Health published a study on the advances in substance Read More…