All individuals who are new to recovery are usually advised to stay away from romantic relationships for at least the first year of sobriety. While it is possible for a relationship formed in recovery to succeed, experience has shown that it is usually a precursor to relapse. Vulnerability in Relationships in Recovery When an individual Read More…
Pot Use Can Trigger Addictive Behaviors
Individuals who use pot (cannabis, marijuana) regularly show increased levels of impulsive behavior. This is according to a study conducted in the Netherlands, and published in the British Journal of Pharmacology.The study further states that regular pot use can be a major trigger in regards to addiction. All individuals who use pot run a significant Read More…
How Do I Form Relationships in AA?
“No intimate relationships during the first year of sobriety” is something individuals in recovery hear all the time in 12 step programs. However, very few individuals heed this piece of advice. When people get sober, it opens up a world of possibility for them, including getting back many of the things they have lost. Many Read More…
Ecstasy Detox Symptoms
MDMA, more commonly known as Ecstasy, is generally considered a drug for recreational use. Research shows that individuals who use Ecstasy can become tolerant to it, or psychologically dependent on the effects it produces, after repeated use. There is no real evidence to prove that individuals who use Ecstasy can become physically addicted to it. Read More…
What Does it Mean to “Step Over Bodies” in Recovery?
“Step over bodies” is a cliche an individual is likely to hear when they are in recovery. They might hear their therapists or sponsors say, “Sometimes you have to step over bodies in early recovery”. Morbid as it sounds, it’s a sad fact. But what does it mean? Stepping Over Bodies To ‘Step over bodies’ Read More…
Effects of Ecstasy on the Body
Ecstasy is a central nervous stimulant, also known as MDMA. It is a drug that can affect not only the brain, but also different systems of the body. The main effects of Ecstasy differ from person to person. There are a lot of variables including the individual’s weight, health, how long they have used Ecstasy, Read More…
Why Do Safe Injection Sites Exist?
What is a safe injection site? A safe injection site, also known as ‘supervised injection facility’ or ‘drug consumption facility’ is a legally sanctioned, medically supervised facility which is designed to provide individuals with an addiction a safe and hygienic environment in which they can take illegal drugs intravenously. The idea is also to reduce Read More…
How to Treat Club Drug Addiction
Club drugs are a group of psychoactive drugs that effect the central nervous system and cause changes in mood awareness, and how people act. Young adults often abused these drugs at dance clubs, bars and parties. Some club drugs are: Ecstasy Rohypnol Methamphetamine, also known as Speed, Ice, Meth and Crystal Some of these drugs Read More…
What is the Silk Road and Dark Web?
Silk Road was an online black market, on the Dark Web. It was a platform for selling illegal drugs, like cocaine, heroin and amphetamines. Because it was part of the Dark Web, it was operated as a Tor hidden service, which meant that online users were able to browse it anonymously. Silk Road was launched Read More…
Why Do People Smoke and Use Alcohol?
While alcohol can have immediate life-threatening effects in the form of an overdose, it can also prompt other harmful behaviors like so-called “social smoking” when drinking. As anyone who has ever been to a bar can vouch drinking and smoking is a popular combination. Many people find it difficult to have one without the other. Read More…