
setting goals

How Do I Make a Recovery Plan That Sticks?

Recovery does not proceed in a straight line of one success after another. There is a steep learning curve with twists and turns, all the while heading towards recovery goals. A plan is necessary to ensure positive results. Find out how to develop a recovery plan that sticks and stays focused on the long view Read More…

Movement Therapy

Dance Your Way to Success in Recovery

Dance and movement therapy can be effective forms of therapy in recovery. The foundation of dance is finding movement in the body by locating the inner impulse or movement which brings a person to life. Learn more about how dance can bring success in recovery. Movement Therapy and Addiction Dance has psychotherapeutic benefits for a Read More…

sober living

What Helps You Get Sober?

Getting clean and sober is one part of the larger picture of recovery. Recovery is a process which lasts a lifetime, requiring lots of hard work, sacrifice and dedication to remaining sober above all else. Use the following five tools to help get started on the path to sobriety. Eliminate Associations Giving up friendships and Read More…


How to Manage Relapse Triggers

Finishing a substance use treatment program is a huge accomplishment in recovery. This marks the start of a lifelong journey. More than 50 percent of people with addiction in recovery relapse within four years of treatment with adolescents being at highest risk due to inexperience. Triggers are everywhere but some coping mechanisms can be learned Read More…

kick the habit

How Do I Stop Using Cocaine?

Facing a cocaine habit is one of the first steps to quit use altogether. It is also one of the hardest things to do as cocaine is highly addictive both physically and psychologically. Find out some ways to quit cocaine for good and recover in a healthy, positive way. Giving Up the Habit Many people Read More…

Self Image

Self-Identity Issues for Teens in Recovery

One of the major factors in substance abuse among adolescents is low self-esteem. Some of other other contributing factors may include household income, domestic dysfunction, abuse or poor performance in school. Learn more about self-identity issues for teens in recovery from addiction and supportive services to offer a teen who is struggling. Self-Identity, Substance Abuse Read More…

Attitude About Drugs

Teen Attitudes Toward Drugs and Alcohol

High school seniors who are less likely to use drugs are female non-smokers with a spiritual foundation. The results, according to a study of people’s attitudes towards illicit drugs, was conducted in light of more lenient laws for marijuana use. Learn more about teen attitudes toward drugs and alcohol and what impact it has on Read More…

Break Cycle of Addiction

Breaking the Cycle of Addiction in Your Family

Genetic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes carry an increased risk if a first-degree relative such as a mom, dad, sister or brother is impacted. Individuals with a first-degree relative affected must be screened early and often to check for signs of the disease. Likewise, addiction has a genetic component with environmental factors playing a Read More…

drug detox

Is There a Safe Way to Withdraw from Meth?

Methamphetamine (meth) is a highly addictive, potent drug which works as a central nervous system stimulant. The initial withdrawal from meth is the hardest with a high risk of relapse. Learn the best way to withdraw from meth, how to find help and what to expect. Meth Withdrawal A person can withdraw from meth even Read More…