
Legal Issues

Addiction in Our Prison System

Addiction is a disorder which can ravage a person’s life and lead to destruction of personal relationships, finances and livelihoods. Oftentimes, addiction also leads to legal challenges due to stealing, lying, cheating or using illegal substances. Learn more about the consequences of addiction and how it can lead to imprisonment. Drug Addiction Consequences When a Read More…

post traumatic stress

How Does PTSD Affect Substance Abuse?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental disorder which brings on symptoms such as intense anxiety, flashbacks and can interfere with activities of daily living. Many individuals turn to drugs or alcohol to cope with symptoms and as a way to numb painful experiences. Find out how PTSD affects an individual and why substance Read More…

martial arts

Martial Arts for Active Recovery

Giving up addiction is challenging when people suddenly have lots of free time. One productive way to solve the issue of too much free time is to learn martial arts. Good for mind and body, the martial arts encourage mental cultivation and aid in a healthy recovery. Choosing a Martial Art Many martial arts exist Read More…

Adult Peer Pressure

Adults Suffer Peer Pressure Too

Peer pressure is an issue which affects kids and adults, alike. Unfortunately the repercussions can reverberate not only within oneself but outside oneself when it turns into addiction and affects other people. Learn more about peer pressure and its impact on adults. Negative and Positive Peer Pressure Adopted values, beliefs and goals may be based Read More…

Family Alcoholism

What Can I Do if My Family Abuses Alcohol?

Drug and alcohol abuse affects the entire family, not just the individual using the substance. It is important to understand what effects are caused by addiction in order to discover ways to seek help if a family member is struggling with addiction. How Drugs Affect Families When a family member abuses alcohol or other drugs, Read More…


Can You Get Addicted to Heroin?

Heroin is a highly addictive drug which strongly affects the central nervous system. Frequent use of heroin will lead to addiction. People with addiction experience symptoms in a variety of ways.Find out how heroin affects the brain and long-term health. Chemistry A psychoactive depressant drug, heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occuring opium alkaloid Read More…

rest and rejuvenate

Preventing Relapse Through Self Care

Addiction relapse can be a frustrating experience for people who want to remain sober but the temptations are too great. Self care is a great way to attend to personal needs first and ensure recovery is put at the forefront of a person’s list to prevent relapse from happening. Why Self Care Matters The biggest Read More…

withdrawal symptoms

How Long Does OxyContin Withdrawal Last?

OxyContin goes by another name, oxycodone, and is highly addictive even after just a few weeks of use. Withdrawal will occur for individuals who quit taking OxyContin and have developed dependence or addiction. Find out how long it might last and where to seek help for symptoms. Length of Time Following last dose of OxyContin, Read More…


Should I Admit to My Sponsor That I Had a Drink?

A combination of emotions may be experienced when a person in recovery has a drink or relapses into addictive behaviors. Having the discussion with a sponsor does not need to be difficult, but should occur in a relationship built on trust and confidence with the assurance the sponsor will support an individual’s recovery whatever the Read More…