
Learn how to spot the difference between empowering and enabling tendencies.

How to Spot Enabling Tendencies

The desire to help people, particularly loved ones, is a noble pursuit. Parents desire to see children succeed in school and life. Spouses want to support one another in solving problems life throws out and friends want to help one another through difficult times. A well-meaning impulse can backfire when addiction is present and helping Read More…


Don’t Give Up on Tomorrow Today

Recovery is a lifelong process, filled with ups and downs. Life is best lived moment by moment rather than looking back or falling too far forward. One thing that is helpful is focusing on how the present moment holds great opportunities to make small steps towards success. Expect to need continuous support and help to Read More…

Make it till Midnight

Make it till Midnight

When a person stops drinking and realizes there can never be another drink, it can feel overwhelming. Recovery can be a challenge for first time individuals with addiction to grasp exactly what needs to happen to make sobriety work. It may feel terrifying at first but it does get better over time.   Step by Read More…

What is Self Empowering Recovery?

What is Self Empowering Recovery?

Recovery is the step which happens when a person decides to stop using alcohol or drugs and begin treatment. It is a process which lasts the entirety of a person’s life. A self-empowering approach to addiction recovery focuses on gaining full independence from addiction to live a purposeful life out from under the shadow of Read More…

Building Healthy Self Esteem in Recovery

Building Healthy Self Esteem in Recovery

Self-esteem is an issue with many people but building positive self-esteem can be especially helpful for individuals in recovery from addiction. Learn how creating a positive sense of self can potentially change a person’s life in the aftermath of addiction.   Tips   Building self-esteem has some basic tenets which are helpful to follow in Read More…

Can you overdose on Ecstacy?

Can You Overdose on Ecstasy?

Ecstasy overdose is preventable now that it is a public health concern. Long term effects of ecstasy use on the brain can include serotonin related disorders, short term effects may be dangerous as well. Find out what complications may arise from an overdose and how to mitigate the risks.   How Overdose Happens   Serotonin Read More…

Strengthen Your Willpower to Beat Cravings

Strengthen Your Willpower to Beat Cravings

Addiction recovery is a complicated process, full of twists and turns. Drugs and alcohol cause chemical changes in the brain which transmit signals to the body for more of the substances. It can be a helpless feeling to desire use of drugs or alcohol even when the spirit says no more. Many factors play a Read More…

Tips for Coping with Addiction in the Family

Tips for Coping with Addiction in the Family

Learning to let go of things out of one’s own control is perhaps the hardest part of struggling with a loved one’s addiction. Putting down other’s weight rather than trying to carry it for the other person is part of learning to cope with addiction in the family. Find some other ways to deal constructively Read More…

Can You Die from Taking Cocaine?

Cocaine has addictive properties which are powerful and illegal. Considered a schedule II controlled substance with some legal therapeutic application as a pain reliever, the drug is highly abused for its pleasurable stimulant effects. It can also cause death in some individuals. Find out more about cocaine and how to look for signs and symptoms Read More…

How Do I Beat Nicotine Addiction?

How Do I Beat Nicotine Addiction?

Nicotine users report a huge factor in continuing to use is the slightly euphoric sensation it produces. A habit can quickly become addiction as psychological and physical dependence on the stimulant take hold. Learn more about how addiction to nicotine begins and how to kick the habit. Addiction When nicotine is used to produce a Read More…