
How to Forgive the Addict in Your Life

How to Forgive the Addict in Your Life

Forgiveness is a tricky subject in regards to loved ones with addiction. Drug relapse and recovery is an exhausting cycle which may occur multiple times before a person fully enters recovery and the grip of addiction is loosed. After all the struggles that come with a loved one’s addiction, forgiveness may feel challenging. Learn some Read More…

Why do people get hangovers?

Why Do People Get Hangovers?

Scientific experts do not know why people get hangovers. A few possible reasons may exist but hangover prevention and treatment are in the very early stages of comprehension. Much variation exists depending on a person-by-person scenario. Learn more about the common symptoms of hangovers, possible causes and what to do if a loved one is Read More…

How to Spot an Opiate Addiction

How to Spot an Opiate Addiction

Spotting opiate addiction begins by recognizing signs and symptoms. Treatment for opiate addiction begins with clinical diagnosis by a qualified health professional. Learn more about signs and symptoms of opiate addiction and how to get help for addiction.   Signs   If someone is suspected of suffering from opiate addiction, it is important to recognize Read More…

What is Crack Withdrawal?

What is Crack Withdrawal?

Crack is a very addictive form of cocaine, and it does not take long to get hooked on to this drug. Once you’re physically and mentally dependant on crack, getting out of the habit is a challenge because of the withdrawal symptoms attached with this addiction. Without help and therapy, it is very difficult to Read More…

The Very Real Danger of OxyContin Overdose

The Very Real Danger of OxyContin Overdose

Variances exist as to what constitutes an overdose on OxyContin for each individual as it depends on tolerance levels but it is possible. Review risk factors for overdose and how to seek help.   OxyContin Overdose   Overdosing on oxycodone is possible, which is the main ingredient in OxyContin. Most common causes are due to Read More…

How is Oxycontin usually abused?

How is OxyContin Usually Abused?

Prescription OxyContin comes with warnings about how to take this drug. Manufacturers are required by the FDA to print these warnings. OxyContin should not be cut, broken, crushed, or chewed. You should never take more than the dose prescribed. Let us understand why. Being an opiate, OxyContin can stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain Read More…