
A single episode of binge drinking can result in withdrawal symptoms.

What are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Alcohol?

This article will help you understand the common side effects associated with alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms associated with withdrawal from alcohol are predictable and they arise when a heavy drinker gives up alcohol abruptly. The person abusing alcohol is most likely to be an adult. However cases of teens and children suffering from alcohol withdrawal symptoms Read More…

Meth Withdrawal and What to Expect

Meth Withdrawal and What to Expect

Meth is a highly addictive and dangerous substance. Smoking, injecting or snorting methamphetamine is a difficult habit to break. Withdrawal can be one of the worst with severe symptoms which can lead to relapse. Find out the symptoms of meth withdrawal and how to get seek help to get through the worst of the symptoms. Read More…

Alternative Programs to AA

Alternative Programs to AA

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one of the most famous recovery programs with millions of members all over the world. It is a helpful and supportive group for many who adhere to the 12-step process. Some believe it is hard to be sober without the program. While AA can be a great place to connect, learn, Read More…

What is the treatment process for meth addiciton?

What is the Treatment Process for Meth Addiction?

Meth abuse affects the working of the brain. Treatment for meth addiction includes helping the brain recover normal functioning. Knowledge about meth withdrawal helps plan the treatment process. The withdrawal happens in two stages. The symptoms are felt more acutely during the first stage that may last for up to one day from the last Read More…

How Families Can Help a Loved One with Addiction

How Families Can Help a Loved One with Addiction

Many families struggle to help a loved one with addiction. It is hard to know what to do to support the person without overstepping boundaries into enabling. Alcohol and prescription drugs can be equally as devastating as heroin or other drug addictions. Family members need to learn how to support without enabling and address underlying Read More…

Can Affluence be a Barrier to Successful Recovery?

Can Affluence be a Barrier to Successful Recovery?

Affluent people – the rich ones with cars, bungalows, servants – do not know want. When affluent people become addicts, they face obstacles to recovery that other people don’t. Let’s try and understand why. In the 1990s, one word entered our lexicon – affluenza. It describes the condition of rich folks who have a poor Read More…

How Percocet is prescribed

How Percocet is Prescribed

Percocet use for pain relief is considered a narcotic with a prescription needed to administer the drug. People who get high on Percocet use it without medical purpose and the euphoric feelings can cause lots of problems. Oxycodone, the active ingredient in Percocet, can be highly addictive when not used according to the prescription. Find Read More…

Examining Court Ordered Rehab for Teens

Examining Court Ordered Rehab for Teens

Mandatory addiction treatment can help some teens with drug or alcohol problems. It depends on the teen, the program and many other factors. Learn more about court ordered rehab for teens who use drugs and alcohol.   Juvenile Justice System and Rehab   Early intervention is critical when working with adolescents who have contact with Read More…

How long do the effects of alcohol last?

Is Anonymity Required for Addiction Recovery?

Addiction recovery can be a challenge. Society can appear to be judgmental and that can be disheartening for the recovering addict. Addiction taxes mind and body. The process of recovery addresses this state of physical and mental weakness. In times of weakness and despair, it is worth remembering that life after detoxification is beautiful and Read More…