
Is Anonymity Required for Addiction Recovery?

Is Anonymity Required for Addiction Recovery?

Addiction recovery can be a challenge. Society can appear to be judgmental and that can be disheartening for the recovering addict. Addiction taxes mind and body. The process of recovery addresses this state of physical and mental weakness. In times of weakness and despair, it is worth remembering that life after detoxification is beautiful and Read More…

How to Intervene So They Hear Your Message

How to Intervene So They Hear Your Message

The science of interventions has much to tell people about how and why interventions for people with addictions work. It is a tricky situation to confront a loved one with active addiction but it is done with best intentions and, when done well, can lead to the person seeking treatment and entering a whole new Read More…

Self Medication and Addiction Among Doctors

Self Medication and Addiction Among Doctors

In a study published recently, doctors who abuse prescription drugs are noted as doing so for self-medication purposes. The study reported some reasons cited by doctors for self-medicating were based on physical pain, emotional distress or stress relief. The study provides unique insights into why doctors self-medicate and abuse prescription drugs. Why Self-Medication Matters Anonymous Read More…

What are the common signs of cocaine addiction?

What are the Common Signs of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system by tricking the brain to release dopamine. Cocaine can be a particular difficult drug to get off because of the intense cravings it triggers. These become particularly severe during the withdrawal phase. If you are addicted to cocaine or know someone who is, then don’t wait. You need to Read More…

Cocaine’s Effects on the Body

Cocaine’s Effects on the Body

Cocaine has an impact on the brain and body. A list of possible side effects include both short and long term issues for people who use cocaine. Find out more about how the drug affects individuals and the ramifications of continuing to use cocaine on the body. Cocaine and the Body The body is impacted Read More…

How prevalent is teenage drug use?

How prevalent is teenage drug use?

Whether you’re in high school looking to finish a report or a parent looking for answer, you’ve found the right spot.  How many teens use drugs varies by year, and you’ll need to access the most up-to-date statistics for answers.  Here, we review the top websites where you can find stats on how many teens Read More…

How to Stop Using Crack

How to Stop Using Crack

Immense willpower is needed to stop using crack. The decision may be one of the most important a person can make. Learn what to expect when trying to quit crack and some of the best ways to get started.   Cold Turkey   People who have used crack for longer than a month will have Read More…

Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin

Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin

Illegal substances are classified into five distinct schedules according to the federal government guidelines depending on acceptable use and dependency potential. Heroin is considered a schedule I narcotic, not meant for general consumption. Some of the worst withdrawal symptoms happen when a person stops using heroin cold turkey. Learn more about withdrawal symptoms and how Read More…

How long does heroin stay in your system?

How Long Does Heroin Stay in Your System?

Heroin has a half life of not more than eight minutes. Even for a heavy user, the drug is undetectable in the body after a few days. Factors that affect the length of time for which heroin stays in the body include the mode of consumption, frequency, and the subject’s health. Heroin is not used Read More…