
Mind Your Manners in Recovery

Mind Your Manners in Recovery

Interacting with other people in social situations is challenging for many people. Individuals in recovery from addiction may struggle with knowing how to engage with people in different circumstances. Social development suffers and requires a retraining of social skills. Learn how to develop positive social skills in recovery and tips to get started. Learning Social Read More…

The 5 Phases of Addiction and Recovery

The 5 Phases of Addiction and Recovery

Watching a loved one struggle with addiction is incredibly challenging. All energy, focus and attention is on the person with addiction and behaviors exhibited as a result. People who struggle with addiction engage in activities which bring consequences to the individual person and loved ones who surround the person until the cycle of addiction is Read More…

How does one become a sobriety sponsor?

How Does One Become a Sobriety Sponsor?

The 12-Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous is a powerful protocol that has helped millions get rid of their addictions. The twelfth step mentions that it is incumbent on those who have benefited from the program to help others attain sobriety and kick addiction. If an addict can successfully traverse the first eleven steps then there Read More…

Don’t Give Up on Tomorrow Today

Don’t Give Up on Tomorrow Today

Recovery is a lifelong process, filled with ups and downs. Life is best lived moment by moment rather than looking back or falling too far forward. One thing that is helpful is focusing on how the present moment holds great opportunities to make small steps towards success. Expect to need continuous support and help to Read More…

Substitute Addiction for a New Passion

Substitute Addiction for a New Passion

People leave behind passion when addiction takes hold. Rather than leave it in the rearview, it helps to spend time in recovery focusing on how to ignite the old flames of excitement and joy for old hobbies and interests outside of addiction. On the road to recovery, the future is uncertain but it helps to Read More…

Get Out of the Anxiety Trap

5 Ways to Get Out of the Anxiety Trap

Learning how to handle stress in recovery is an ongoing journey which presents some obstacles. Stress and substance abuse have a toxic relationship which is why it is key to find sustainable ways of coping with stress in life. The presence of stress can feel daunting but there are steps to deal with getting out Read More…

How to Stop Fixing People Stuck in Addiction

How to Stop Fixing People Stuck in Addiction

Addiction has devastating consequences for people who surround a loved one with addiction. There is not quick, easy fix for a loved one with addiction. Learn how to cope with someone is dealing with addiction and how to stop trying to fix people who cannot be fixed.   The Thief of Addiction Learning to cope Read More…

Physical and Emotional Healing with Yin Yoga

Physical and Emotional Benefits of Yin Yoga

People in recovery from addiction often struggle to find balance and stability. After battling addiction, which is quite chaotic, life can feel hard to manage without using drugs or alcohol. Yoga has positive benefits for the mind and body which can help counter the effects of addiction. Learn about the positive benefits of yin yoga, Read More…

What Lies Beyond the First Year of Recovery

What Lies Beyond the First Year of Recovery

Hitting one year sober is an achievement worth celebrating. The physical and emotional roller coaster of the first twelve months is behind and probably left quite an impression on the way out. Though literature exists to support the early stages of treatment, many resources don’t focus on the later stages of recovery. Find out what Read More…