
Dealing with Feelings of Grief After Rehab

Dealing with Feelings of Grief After Rehab

  After a few recovery meetings, one of the most often repeated phrases which comes up time and again is how to ‘feel one’s feelings.’ One of the biggest mistakes a person can make in recovery is to deny the emotional component required to stay clean and sober. Feelings and emotions may feel less important Read More…

The Power of Writing in Recovery

The Power of Writing for Recovery

Stories have the power to transform lives, guide and transform not only individuals but entire communities. People in recovery especially reap the benefits of using writing to help heal and be transformed. Stories are powerful and can take many shapes or forms. Discover the power of personal storytelling through writing and how to utilize it Read More…

Why Massage Matters in Recovery

Why Massage Matters in Recovery

Emotional disassociation can feel like a double whammy for people struggling with addiction. Culturally, it is ingrained in people to strive harder, do more and push to the brink of exhaustion. Very little emphasis is placed on the concept of feeling restored through rest. The mind and body need rest to rejuvenate cells and work Read More…

Benefits of Swimming

Therapeutic Benefits of Swimming

Swimming can be only fun but beneficial to a person’s health. In addition to the low-impact nature, it is also great therapeutic exercise which can help treat painful conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia. It is also beneficial for individuals in recovery from addiction who seek the therapeutic benefits, exercise component or desire to connect Read More…

The Hardest Truth About Recovery

The Hardest Truth About Recovery

  Hitting bottom can feel like a hard fall in addiction. Handling the truth about what havoc addiction brought into a person’s life can be difficult. People in recovery may feel aware of addiction and its effects but most of what is known is based on myth or incorrect information. When an individual enters recovery, Read More…

Mindfulness for Youth in Recovery

Mindfulness Practices for Youth in Recovery

Substance abuse prevention and intervention with young people is especially important as teens struggle with drugs and alcohol to cope with more stressors such as school, family and conflicts at home or with friends. Mindfulness is a great tool to practice awareness of one’s mental, physical and spiritual self while focusing on the present moment. Read More…

Getting Rid of Stinking Thinkin

Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’

  The phrase ‘stinkin’ thinkin’ originated in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) as a way to describe thinking which may lead a person back to drinking. Over time, the phrase became associated with a number of self-destructive thought processes. The voice can also be termed ‘inner critic’ which lives inside all people and needs to be quieted Read More…

Importance of Animal Therapy in Addictions Treatment

Importance of Animal Therapy in Addictions Treatment

Trained dogs or other animals have been used in animal-assisted therapeutic settings for some time. The aim is to help human beings with specific health conditions. Current evidence suggests people with cancer, serious life threatening conditions or even posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) benefit from the use of animals in a structured therapeutic environment. Animals help Read More…

Fun Hobbies for Adolescents in Recovery

Fun Hobbies for Adolescents in Recovery

When a teen decides to quit drinking or using drugs and completes rehab, it is time for recovery. Recovery is a lifelong process and is far from a boring experience. Being clean and sober may seem dull at first after all of the ups and downs addiction can bring but life lived in sobriety can Read More…

Relationships in Recovery

Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery

Completing an addictions treatment program is a monumental step towards recovery. It is likely that a person who completes recovery comes out feeling like a new person with lots of challenges and exciting opportunities ahead. Many aspects of life feel different and may require seeking a new job, hobbies or places to spend time. This Read More…