
Can You Outgrow a 12 Step Sponsor?

Can You Outgrow a 12 Step Sponsor?

Working the steps in a 12 step program is as important as reconnecting with family, friends and society following treatment. Find out what it means to possibly outgrow a 12 step sponsor and what situations may occur to support the change.   Lack of Desperation Early recovery comes with feelings of desperation to rush to Read More…

So I Relapsed; What Do I Do Now?

So I Relapsed; What Do I Do Now?

  Relapse can be a dirty word with a bad reputation but it happens more frequently than people think. Fear of a person’s life collapsing following relapse may occur but it does not mean person has failed. Learn how to stop relapse before it happens and learn what to do it if it happens so Read More…

Trauma Can Sometimes Help You Grow

Trauma Can Sometimes Help Us Grow

Trauma comes in many shapes and forms. Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in civilians at a rate of 13 times more than in military personnel. Risk and resilience factors demonstrate a person’s predisposition to effects of trauma. Learn more about trauma, its effects and how it can help people grow.   Effects of Trauma Different types Read More…

How is Xanax Abused?

How is Xanax Abused?

Xanax can be commonly abused through snorting or chewing the drug. When this happens, it may increase the risk of adverse side effects, increase the intensity of withdrawal or put a person at serious risk. Continue reading to find out how Xanax is abused and what to do if a loved one may be at Read More…

One Day At a Time

One Day at a Time

As the saying goes, there is no time like the presence. Action which creates real change requires focused intention and devotion in the right direction. Review some common mistakes people make in recovery and how to apply some suggestions to implement the principle of ‘one day at a time’ into a lifestyle.   Presence When Read More…

Why Does a Person in Recovery Relapse?

Relapse is more likely than not to occur with a person in recovery from addiction at least once. It is not an inevitability but the risk is fairly high due to the nature of addiction. The hardest part can be to watch a loved one struggle to stay clean and sober following treatment. Learn about Read More…

Defense Mechanisms of the Addicted

Common Defense Mechanisms of the Addicted

Human instinct kicks in when people want protection from painful situations or circumstances, particularly during active addiction. Recovery is a way to hide the true self and prevent others from getting close. Defense mechanisms kick in to keep the person addicted and away from recovery. Learn how to identify the common defense mechanisms are and Read More…

How Long Do Benzos Stay in Your System?

How Long Do Benzos Stay in Your System?

  Benzodiazepines are one of the most powerful tranquilizer sedatives prescribed by doctors. It is a central nervous system depressant which is highly effective. Benzos vary in use, active times and addictive qualities. Learn about how long benzos stay in the system and how long effects last.   Benzo Use Medically, benzos are prescribed for Read More…

Addiction Treatment for College Students

Addiction Treatment for College Students

College students party in college, particularly in schools with Greek presences. Many college students may develop a substance abuse problem but are less likely than non-student counterparts to seek addiction treatment. Review possible options and barriers for addiction treatment in college.   Treatment Barriers Obstacles can occur for any person seeking addiction treatment, especially as Read More…

Should I leave the Addict in My Life

Should I Leave the Addict in My Life?

Addiction can destroy relationships in the blink of an eye. Figuring out when to leave can be difficult as a loved one struggles with addiction. Learn to find a way to let go of fear and make the most healthy move possible.   Relationship Exhaustion Dreaming about a new relationship with a person who is Read More…