
How to Find the Best Rehab Program Near You

How to Find the Best Rehab Program Near You

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates $700 billion is spent in the United States on drugs or alcohol. Learn how to discern which program is best for a loved one and how to get started in the search.   Types of Treatment Programs The success rate of rehab programs differs for each individual. Read More…

What is Adderall and How Does it Work?

What is Adderall and How Does it Work?

  Adderall is a prescription drug used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. The brain and body are affected by use of the drug, which peaks 1-2 hours after ingestion. Explore the ways Adderall impacts the body and how it is used to help people.   How Adderall Works Amphetamine salts is another name for Adderall Read More…

Symptoms of Heroin Detox

Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms and Detox

Heroin is a highly addictive drug which can have lifelong, negative consequences. When heroin exits the system, an individual experiences severe withdrawal symptoms, which vary in terms of intensity and duration depending on many factors. Learn what to expect during withdrawal and how to seek help for a heroin detox. Effects of Withdrawal When heroin Read More…

Keys to a Successful Alcohol Intervention

Keys to a Successful Alcohol Intervention

An intervention for a person with alcoholism is a way to gather loved ones together to confront the person with the end goal to get the person to quit drinking. Learn about the keys to a successful intervention for a loved one with alcoholism. Steps The planning and execution of an intervention can be long Read More…

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

Can You Overdose on Marijuana?

It is possible to consume more marijuana than necessary, although impossible to experience toxic overdose. When too much marijuana is eaten, symptoms such as dizziness, sweating, nausea, vomiting or even a sensation of dying may occur but it is not fatal. Recognizing symptoms of a marijuana overdose can be helpful in seeking treatment and learning Read More…

Peer Pressure and Teen Drug Use

Peer Pressure and Teen Drug Use

Peer pressure can be a difficult thing for teens to overcome with school, friends and others in the community exerting both positive and negative influence. A peer group may have more influence on a teen’s choices than parents, mentors or other adults. It is important to learn how to stand up against peer pressure of Read More…

How Long Does a DUI Stay on My Record?

How Long Does a DUI Stay on My Record?

Driving under the influence (DUI) can bring feelings of guilt and remorse. A conviction can negatively impact a person’s life and alter the driving record. The personal consequences to oneself and others are far greater for a person who drinks and drives than one who plans ahead and takes responsibility. Find out how a DUI Read More…

It’s Okay to Be Selfish in Early Recovery

It’s Okay to Be Selfish in Early Recovery

The experience of recovery is different for every individual. Some will have many ups and downs while others seem to coast through and have an easier time on the other side of addiction treatment. Wherever a person falls on the spectrum, it is almost certain people will think the individual is being selfish by focusing Read More…

Treatment Options for Crack Cocaine Addiction

Treatment Options for Crack Cocaine Addiction

One of the first steps to treating an addiction to crack cocaine is recognition of a problem. Crack stays in the system a matter of minutes but can be detected for days or weeks following use. Signs and symptoms of addiction are physically noticeable. Find out how to get help for addiction to crack cocaine Read More…