
Is Cocaine Considered a Narcotic?

Is Cocaine Considered a Narcotic?

Legally, cocaine is considered a narcotic in the United States. Medically, cocaine is not considered a narcotic. Learn more about the differences and how cocaine came to be classified as a narcotic drug. Medical Narcotic A medical narcotic causes pain relief starting in the brain. How the brain perceives pain can be impacted by opioid Read More…

Saving Face After Addiction

Saving Face After Addiction

The importance of embracing failure cannot be overstated. Learning from one’s own mistakes is important in learning the path of recovery after addiction. Regaining credibility following a misstep or mistake can feel difficult, if not impossible (depending on the infraction). Saving face can be an important lesson in how to come back from adversity. Learn Read More…

What are the Signs of a Prescription Pill Addiction?

What are the Signs of a Prescription Pill Addiction?

A prescription drug addiction can be hidden in plain sight. Early intervention is often the best way to help a loved one seek treatment to increase chances for a successful, long lasting recovery. Physical and emotional damage is also minimized when addiction is caught early on. Learn to identify the signs of prescription drug use Read More…

Contingency Management for Substance Abuse

Contingency Management for Substance Abuse

Contingency management is recognition for a job well done. Critics of the process claim contingency management is an expensive tactic based in bribery for persons with addiction to remain sober. Discover the ins and outs of contingency management and why it may be an option to consider for individuals seeking support in sobriety.   What Read More…

How Long Does Alcohol Withdrawal Last?

How Long Does Alcohol Withdrawal Last?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms begin when a person becomes physically dependent upon alcohol and tries to cut back or quit drinking altogether. The length of time and severity of withdrawal symptoms depend upon many factors. People who experience withdrawal often benefit from enrollment in a professional alcohol detox program for support as symptoms can last for Read More…

How to Withdrawal from Cocaine addiction

How to Withdraw from Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine withdrawal may have intense psychological effects but is necessary for treating addiction. Most people are not aware withdrawal from cocaine can be done safely and effectively. Find out more what the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal syndrome are and how to cope safely.   How to Withdraw Expect withdrawal from cocaine as soon as effects Read More…