The decision to seek treatment for marijuana use is a very personal one which must be made by the person using the drug, not anybody else. Until that person decides the time is right, treatment will not work. Not everyone is ready for rehab but it is up for debate as to how a person Read More…

Dealing with Depression in Active Recovery
Depression can occur in any person at any time throughout the recovery journey. No person is immune to feeling its effects, which range from the feeling of a small dark cloud lingering about to a desperate feeling of loneliness or like life is not worth living. Social stigma has decreased around depression, which is making Read More…

Addiction and Affluent Youth
Addiction is a challenge for people no matter the age. Affluence is one particularly challenging aspect for youth who have experienced huge growth in the use of prescription painkillers and other drugs. Access to resources is part of the reason for this trend. Learn more about other reasons why addiction is affecting affluent youth Read More…
Do I Need Alcohol Rehab?
Alcohol rehabilitation may seem daunting from the outset, but it is a process which helps people and ultimately saves lives. Before a person should consider whether rehab is an option, assessment and diagnosis must be done of the individual situation before seeking help. Here is how to get started on the road to recovery. Read More…

Addiction Treatment for Professionals
Substance abuse and addiction impact people young and old, from all walks of life. Having a professional career does not separate individuals from being susceptible to addiction. High stress professional jobs can drive some people to drink or use drugs as a coping mechanism. Learn about addiction treatment for professionals and how to seek help Read More…
Can Smoking Pot Cause Memory Loss?
Memory loss is possible when a person smokes marijuana, particularly when a ‘high’ is experienced. The question of whether memory loss develops over time depends on many factors. Learn more about how cannabis affects the body and whether this can impact a person’s memory over time. Cannabinoid Receptors The main active chemical in marijuana is Read More…

It’s Never Too Late to Get Help for Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a treatable condition which has been studied by the scientific community. The first step begins with admission of powerlessness over alcoholism in one’s life. Learn why it is never too late to seek help for addiction and how to get started. The First Step Many people with addiction to alcohol struggle with Read More…

Heroin’s Effects on the Body
Heroin has a detrimental impact on the brain, central nervous system and the entire body. Each individual is impacted differently by heroin. Learn more about how it impacts the entire body and how to seek help if a loved one is affected by addiction to heroin. Brain and Nervous System Opioid receptors in Read More…
Caffeine Relapse
Caffeine is a powerful drug with the addictive properties. Some people are unable to get up in the morning without a cup of coffee, others enjoy drinking other caffeinated beverages and young people particularly enjoy energy drinks with high levels of caffeine. The energy and alertness which kicks in helps people feel motivated to Read More…

A Glimpse at the Neuroscience of Impulse
Neuroscience looks at ways the brain is activated and engaged with impulsivity, sensation-seeking and substance abuse. The links have long been obvious but it is not clear whether subtle changes in the individual’s neuroanatomy are a cause or effect of substance abuse. Review the findings of a recent study which takes a glimpse at the Read More…