
What is Inpatient Treatment Like?

What is Inpatient Treatment Like?

Inpatient rehab can be an effective treatment option for individuals ready to tackle addiction head on. Some people fear going to an inpatient treatment program which keeps people away from life saving resources and programs. Learn more about what inpatient treatment is really like and how to know if this option is the right one. Read More…

What is Inpatient Treatment Like?

What is Inpatient Treatment Like?

Inpatient rehab can be an effective treatment option for individuals ready to tackle addiction head on. Some people fear going to an inpatient treatment program which keeps people away from life saving resources and programs. Learn more about what inpatient treatment is really like and how to know if this option is the right one. Read More…

What is Inpatient Treatment Like?

What is Inpatient Treatment Like?

  Inpatient rehab can be an effective treatment option for individuals ready to tackle addiction head on. Some people fear going to an inpatient treatment program which keeps people away from life saving resources and programs. Learn more about what inpatient treatment is really like and how to know if this option is the right Read More…

Alcohol's Effect on the Body

How Alcohol Effects the Body

Drinking a few sips of alcohol here and there is not a problem for some people. Some may be able to drink in moderation while others are unable to control drinking habits, falling into binge or heavy drinking behaviors which can have harmful effects of a long period of time. Abuse of alcohol is a Read More…

How Addicts Lie to Themselves

How People Lie to Themselves to Avoid Treatment

Addiction is powerful and difficult to overcome without the support and help of loved ones. Individuals with addiction often fight the label of addiction because of a long held belief addiction is a weakness or perceived moral failing. Unfortunately, this false belief can keep individuals from seeking much needed treatment. Here are the ten common Read More…

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?

A person with drug seeking behaviors has an addiction. Getting help for drug seeking behavior and addiction is important before it gets out of hand. Identification of an individual who is seeking drugs can be challenging but knowing what to look for can help plan next steps to get the person with addiction help.   Read More…

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?

A person with drug seeking behaviors has an addiction. Getting help for drug seeking behavior and addiction is important before it gets out of hand. Identification of an individual who is seeking drugs can be challenging but knowing what to look for can help plan next steps to get the person with addiction help.   Read More…

How do I spot drug-seeking behavior?

How Do I Spot Drug-Seeking Behavior?

A person with drug seeking behaviors has an addiction. Getting help for drug seeking behavior and addiction is important before it gets out of hand. Identification of an individual who is seeking drugs can be challenging but knowing what to look for can help plan next steps to get the person with addiction help.   Read More…

How do I Tell My Family I’m Addicted?

How do I Tell My Family I’m Addicted?

Accepting that you’re addicted is difficult. Denial is a very strong crutch that addicts use to confront wellwishers and hide their problem, particularly from friends and family.   However, there comes a time when an addict has to break the news of his addiction to his near and dear ones. This coming clear on your Read More…