
Food Addicts Can Improve Body Image

10 Ways for Food Addicts to Improve Body Image

Addiction comes in all shapes and sizes. People young and old can become addicted to various things, including food. Individuals who experience food addiction can improve body image by doing some simple tasks which help bring clarity and a more balanced perspective. Note the following ten ways to get started. Recognize an individual’s body is Read More…

Family Drug Intervention

What Happens in a Family Drug Intervention?

A family drug intervention treats an individual’s addiction as a family issue – a problem that affects all members of the family and is best resolved when all affected parties are involved in it.   A family drug intervention educates family members about how to help the addict, and also how each member can readjust Read More…

Addiction Treatment for Teenagers

Addiction Treatment for Teenagers

Experimentation with drugs and alcohol during the teen years is not uncommon as it is a time to try new things and experience some challenges along the way. When experimental turns into casual then ongoing use or addiction, real problems begin. Teenage addiction is not just impacting the teen, the entire family and community at Read More…

Quitting Heroin Cold Turkey

Can a Person Quit Heroin Cold Turkey?

Heroin works on the central nervous system. It is a very addictive drug that can get you hooked with even a single use. It is a powerful addictive substance and once physical dependence sets in, getting rid of the heroin habit can be very difficult. The withdrawal symptoms that arise when trying to kick heroin Read More…

Wilderness Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Wilderness Therapy for Addiction Recovery

Wilderness therapy is an alternative approach to traditional substance abuse treatment programs. Mostly focused on adolescents with unique challenges, several methods are often wrapped up in the term ‘wilderness therapy,’ with an important distinction. Outdoor-based rehabilitation approaches include challenge courses, adventure-based therapy or wilderness based experience programs to support an individual through the challenge of Read More…

How OxyContin Works

How OxyContin Works

OxyContin is a substance used in the treatment of patients experiencing moderate to severe pain. OxyContin interacts with the opiate receptors in the brain and spinal cord but the effects are different for each individual, depending on many factors. Though highly addictive, not every person who uses it will become addicted. Explore how OxyContin works Read More…

What Can I Do to Help a Friend Avoid Relapsing?

What Can I Do to Help a Friend Avoid Relapsing?

Addiction relapse is a real possibility that every recovering addict has to be aware of. Every second addict treated for substance abuse is likely to successfully continue the recovery process. You want your loved one to be among those who successfully complete the recovery phase and continue to remain sober for the remainder of their Read More…

How Long Does Adderall Stay in the Body?

How Long Does Adderall Stay in the Body?

Adderall metabolism depends upon a number of factors. These include the type of drug – immediate release or extended release; the age and health of the subject; strength of the dose; whether smoked, injected, or swallowed; and the type of amphetamine contained in Adderall. Peak concentration of a single dose of Adderall, of 10 mg Read More…

Warning Signs of Relapse

Warning Signs of Relapse

  Addiction is a disease which never goes away, but it can go into remission. No matter how long a person has been sober, relapse is always a possibility. Relapse does not just happen, it is a gradual process. Learn to recognize the warning signs of relapse and what to do if a loved one Read More…

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells

Does Marijuana Kill Brain Cells

Marijuana is harmful for the brain; however, it doesn’t kill brain cells. This is not to say that weed does not cause brain damage. There is enough research to show that marijuana use leads to brain damage. THC, the main ingredient in marijuana, alters the mind and induces sensations of pleasure by binding with nerve Read More…