
How to Treat Percocet Addiction

How to Treat Percocet Addiction

  Percocet is the brand name for a drug containing oxycodone mixed with acetaminophen, prescribed to treat pain. Sometimes people use the drug for recreational reasons. Whether abused or used for pain relief, withdrawal occurs when you stop taking Percocet after a period of daily use for more than 3-4 weeks. Learn more about Percocet Read More…

Dangers of Teen Alcohol Abuse

Is my Teen in Danger of Alcohol Abuse?

Underage drinking is a big problem faced by parents of adolescents. Teen drinking is a major issue that stares American society in the face; the reasons why alcohol abuse by teens is a worry include the fact that alcohol poisoning is a real concern, and it can kill. Teens who take to drinking may come Read More…

Addiction Treatment for Celebrities

Addiction Treatment for Celebrities

Well-known performing artists and actors may be compelled to seek treatment for substance abuse or behavioral addiction. Many high profile and celebrity individuals do not seek treatment out of fear of publicity of perceived lack of confidentiality. Those who suffer from addiction may not be celebrities but are powerful executives, successful business individuals, professionals and Read More…

how is cocaine addiction treated?

How is Cocaine Addiction Treated?

The addictive nature of cocaine makes it one of the most dangerous drugs to abuse. People take to cocaine abuse for a number of reasons, including biological factors and environment. Cocaine is difficult to give up because it stimulates the release of dopamine, the hormone associated with pleasure. It is this feeling of pleasure that Read More…

How Much Ambien is too Much?

How Much Ambien is too Much?

Ambien, prescribed chiefly as a soporific drug, contains Zolpidem. It is not a drug that can be prescribed for a long period because of its habit-forming properties. Let us take a look at how much Ambien is tolerably allowed, and when is Ambien consumption considered to be over the limit. The tablet is available in Read More…

Writing as Catharsis in Addiction Recovery

Writing can provide a therapeutic outlet which can have a tremendous impact on a person’s insight and ability to see things differently. The general practice of writing can be especially beneficial for individuals in recovery from addiction or trauma as a cathartic tool.   Benefits of Writing When people write about life, more is provided Read More…

Effects of Meth on the Body

The Effects of Meth on the Body

Meth is a highly addictive substance which affects the brain and body. Addictive properties make it one of the most targeted drugs on the market in the United States. Learn how meth affects the brain and body and both long and short-term effects it can have on a person who uses or becomes addicted.   Read More…

Percocet Addiction Treatment

How Do You Treat a Person with Percocet Addiction?

The mix of acetaminophen and oxycodone is sold as Percocet, a branded medicine prescribed as an analgesic. Regardless of whether you use Percocet as a  recreational drug or under prescription, withdrawal will occur if you stop taking the drug after continuous use for a month. This article explores Percocet withdrawal symptoms, their effects, and the Read More…

The connection between marijuana and cancer

Does Marijuana Have a Connection with Cancer

Marijuana smoke causes cancer, that’s a fact. Does smoking weed lead to cancer? How strong a carcinogen is weed smoke? Let us learn about the connection between smoking marijuana and cancer. The toxic effects of marijuana smoke are similar to those of tobacco smoke. The reason is not difficult to understand. Weed smoke is remarkably Read More…