It is a common belief among individuals with alcoholism that they are able to function normally in their workplace. Nonetheless, it can be obvious that an individual suffers from alcohol addiction. Chances are that the individual’s colleagues and bosses have already noticed some of the most common symptoms.
Reduction in Ability of Level of Performance
One of the most obvious symptoms of alcoholism involves decreased performance levels. An individual who struggles with alcoholism is more likely to be slower to complete a task or make mistakes. Some of the dominant concerns for employers who may have an alcoholic employee are the potential for injury, additional sick leave and loss of production, as per the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
Physical Signs of Alcoholism
There are many conspicuous signs of alcoholism and the most common among them involve physical changes. Some examples include:
- Accelerated weight gain or weight loss
- Flushed cheeks and nose
- Unsteadiness while standing or walking
- Slurred speech
- The smell of alcohol on an individual
Mood Swings
When an individual is in the throes of alcoholism it can often cause patterns of being irritable. When such individuals are drinking, they are usually social and friendly, and are frequently described by friends and co-workers as the life of the party. The flip side of that coin is that when these individuals are in withdrawal, they can be moody and sullen. Withdrawal symptoms can appear merely 6 to 9 hours after a drinking session. Typically since such individuals will not be able to drink during the work day, they show signs of irritability.
Unexplained Absences or Lateness
Those individuals battling alcoholism are far more likely to show up late to work or even be absent. While nearly all employees across industries and jobs can be absent or late to work for various valid reasons, it is much more probable with an individual who has an alcohol problem. When such instances happen repeatedly, it is certain that their co-workers will start to notice and put it together with other physical symptoms and reach the conclusion that the individual is an alcoholic, or at the very least indulges in binge drinking.
Precarious Relationship with Alcohol
Frequently, an individual’s co-workers are able to identify that they are struggling with alcoholism, simply because they can see that individual’s relationship with alcohol is a complicated one. For example, the individual might drink regularly during their lunch break. Or go to happy hour every day after work. It is likely that this individual gets very drunk and out of control at office parties or outings. In these instances it is easy for their co-workers and bosses to recognize the signs of an alcohol problem.
Thus it is quite clear, that even if the individual who struggles with alcoholism might not think anyone notices their problem, chances are that the people around them already have.
Recovery is hard work but you don’t have to do it alone. Call The Villa to find out how we can support your goals for sober living.