Do Quick Fixes for Alcohol Addiction Work?

Some popular quick fixes exist where plenty of people promise to quit drinking but find it difficult when the fixes do not work. Promising results do not follow even after many attempts. Take a look at pros and cons of some quick fixes for alcohol addiction and learn how to approach a resolution for addiction to drinking.


Hypnotism, when used to treat addiction, is not a new idea and has been around for a long time. Some people claim it works but others believe it is a short term fix to a long term problem. Hypnotherapy treats a symptom without helping the person work through the underlying cause of addiction (physical, psychological or spiritual). Hypnotherapy might not mask the pain but it is not about fixing the cause. Hypnotherapy might help people with symptoms of addiction and it takes a licensed counselor, psychiatrist or other mental health professional to help treat the underlying condition.


A number of products block effects of alcohol. The latest is a pellet injected into the body which lasts for three months to block the buzz of alcohol. Many people who use it say it helps cut down on drinking. With some backing by the government, the vaccines seem like a great cure. Treating symptoms without looking at underlying causes for the initial disease can be detrimental to long term stability and management of addiction to avoid relapse in recovery.

Alternative Medicine

Some alternative medicines are not the best approach to alcohol addiction. Less reputable treatment providers may claim natural supplements, vitamins or healing crystals can help treat addiction to alcohol. Typically this is not the case as vitamins may have some health benefits but do not treat health conditions or underlying psychological issues behind addiction. Many people waste time and money on remedies which are not effective.

Meditation and Yoga

Two therapies often considered complementary by addiction treatment centers are meditation and yoga. Meditation helps focus the mind and yoga can strengthen the body or focus energy on something productive while eliminating distractions like cravings. Yoga and meditation can supplement a treatment program but generally do not complete a treatment program. Talk therapy, counseling, behavioral therapy and other treatments need to be present before a person with addiction can expect to start recovery.

Clinical Support

Medical assistance is typically required if an individual is to find the support necessary to fight addiction. Speaking with a doctor will help find treatment that provides what is necessary. The main focus should be on addressing underlying causes of addiction and providing support for recovery. Without this, beating addiction can be more difficult and lead to relapse.

The Villa provides help for individuals seeking addiction treatment. If you are seeking support for the journey back from addiction, call us to find out how we can help you find resources and information to kick the habit.
