Drug rehab sometimes gets a negative reputation for being a difficult place without any positive benefits. The reality is that drug rehab is a great place to explore treatment options and receive support in a therapeutic environment. Learning what to expect can lessen any fears or reservations about a drug rehab experience. What Read More…
What Families Should Expect from a Recovering Addict
A person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol that finishes treatment has achieved a great success. Sobriety does not just begin or end with treatment, it is an ongoing, ever changing process. Learn more about recovery and what to expect from a friend or loved one recovering from addiction. What to Expect Getting Read More…
Wilderness Therapy for Addiction Recovery
Wilderness therapy is an alternative approach to traditional substance abuse treatment programs. Mostly focused on adolescents with unique challenges, several methods are often wrapped up in the term ‘wilderness therapy,’ with an important distinction. Outdoor-based rehabilitation approaches include challenge courses, adventure-based therapy or wilderness based experience programs to support an individual through the challenge of Read More…
Writing as Catharsis in Addiction Recovery
Writing can provide a therapeutic outlet which can have a tremendous impact on a person’s insight and ability to see things differently. The general practice of writing can be especially beneficial for individuals in recovery from addiction or trauma as a cathartic tool. Benefits of Writing When people write about life, more is provided Read More…
Emotional Sobriety in Addiction Recovery
Recovery is a lifelong process of discovery and learning. Emotional sobriety has a big role in supporting an individual through recovery by focusing on positive thoughts, being around positive people and finding ways to spend time that do not revolve around drugs or alcohol. It is important to learn the ways emotional sobriety impacts addiction Read More…
Stages of Addiction Denial
The stages of addiction denial are important to understand to get a full picture of what happens to an individual mentally and physically. Denial is a particular challenge which requires intention to overcome and depends on the individual’s circumstances as to how the person is able to overcome denial to receive the help needed. Read More…
Yoga for Addiction Recovery
Yoga is a practice which can support an individual through recovery across the lifespan. What it teaches about sobriety and finding a daily practice hold the keys to some important recovery practices which can help an individual navigate life’s challenges. Learn more yoga and how it supports recovery. How it Works A person with Read More…