Cocaine is powerful and addictive. Even after one single use, initial tolerance to the drug may develop. Many users report it is difficult to get the same level of euphoria and pleasure achieved during first cocaine exposure. Cocaine can be addictive after the first use. Cocaine addiction develops over time typically as tolerance builds. Learn Read More…
Should I Give Up Social Media in Recovery?
Giving up social media and being online may seem like a difficult decision while in recovery, but it can also be good in many ways. Learn some of the benefits to giving up social media while in recovery from addiction. Letting Go The first step to giving up a social media presence is to let Read More…
Where to Turn When a College Student Has Addiction
College is an at-risk environment. Every child knows that there are things which can happen at college that parents know may occur but may not know exactly what the circumstances are for the child. Many students who go to college do not drink or become addicted to substances but there are others who also turn Read More…
Why Enabling is Not Helping
It can be difficult to discern the difference between enabling and helping but the fine line exists that can be critical to the success of an individual in seeking help for addiction. Anything that makes life easier for an individual with addiction is likely enabling. Helping is truly supporting the individual to seek help for Read More…
Addictive Properties of Adderall
Is Adderall addictive? Simply put, yes, Adderall is addictive. But what makes it addictive? The active ingredients in Adderall are amphetamine and dextroamphetamine which are synthetic substances, related to the drug methamphetamine. Amphetamines increase levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the central nervous system. Taking Adderall produces a euphoric effect or a sense of well Read More…
Symptoms of Marijuana Dependence
The addictive potential of Marijuana is lower than that of other illicit drugs, but it is still habit forming. Of those people who use marijuana, only 9% develop dependence on it. However, so many people use marijuana, that dependence on the drug is twice as prevalent than on any other illicit substance. Dependence vs Addiction Read More…
Why are So Many People Using Zoloft?
Zoloft is an antidepressant. It is the brand name for the chemical compound sertraline hydrochloride. Sertraline is thought to positively affect communication between nerve cells in the central nervous system, and restore chemical balance in the brain. Reasons Why People Take Zoloft Zoloft was introduced to the marked by the pharmaceutical firm Pfizer in 1991, Read More…
Can You Get Addicted to Acid?
Acid is not addictive. This is because unlike other recreational drugs acid doesn’t produce the compulsive drug seeking behaviors in its users. Acid stays in the system for up to 5 days after taking the dose. While it is not possible to get addicted to Acid, it is possible to develop a tolerance to it. Read More…
How Long Does Ambien Stay in the System?
Ambien is a popular medication that is prescribed for insomnia. It is quick acting, and is absorbed into the body completely through the gastrointestinal tract within a matter of hours. Main Uses of Ambien The main reason Ambien is prescribed is to help people who struggle to fall asleep or stay asleep. The way Ambien Read More…
How Ambien Abuse Starts
What is Ambien and why is it abused? Ambien is the brand name for a sedative medication that is used as a short term treatment for insomnia. The medication is designed to help insomniacs feel calm, relaxed and very sleepy. It works by slowing brain activity which results in feelings of intense relaxation and sleepiness. Read More…