Learning to let go of things out of one’s own control is perhaps the hardest part of struggling with a loved one’s addiction. Putting down other’s weight rather than trying to carry it for the other person is part of learning to cope with addiction in the family. Find some other ways to deal constructively Read More…
How to Forgive the Addict in Your Life
Forgiveness is a tricky subject in regards to loved ones with addiction. Drug relapse and recovery is an exhausting cycle which may occur multiple times before a person fully enters recovery and the grip of addiction is loosed. After all the struggles that come with a loved one’s addiction, forgiveness may feel challenging. Learn some Read More…
Healing the Trauma of Being Raised by an Addict
Children who grow up with parents who have alcoholism are subjected to many layers of trauma, sometimes emotional, physical or a combination of the two. It can be difficult to find a way out from under the trauma inflicted by addicted parents but it is possible to heal the wounds and move forward, one step Read More…
My Family is Addicted to Drugs; What Can I Do?
Addiction is accompanied by denial, and if you’re a child in a family where an adult or adults are gripped by addiction, then you need to use your judgment to sift facts from the scenarios woven by addicts. People who are under the sway of drugs find it difficult to come to terms with their Read More…
What does Religion say About Substance Use and Addiction?
Religion may or may not be the opium of the masses; however, results from a study carried out at the Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland state that religion plays an important role in keeping people away from substance abuse. The study was led by Gerhard Gmel and it concluded that drug abuse by Swiss who Read More…
How to Stop Fixing People Stuck in Addiction
Addiction has devastating consequences for people who surround a loved one with addiction. There is not quick, easy fix for a loved one with addiction. Learn how to cope with someone is dealing with addiction and how to stop trying to fix people who cannot be fixed. The Thief of Addiction Learning to cope Read More…
How Can I Tell if My Friend is About to Relapse?
Relapse can be very serious for an individual in recovery from addiction. Addiction never goes away just as the risk of relapse is always present. It is better to acknowledge signs of relapse than deal with consequences following a slip up. Learn how to notice signs if a friend is struggling in recovery. Practice Read More…
When Resentment Creeps into the Family
Resentment stems from negative feelings a person cannot let go and replay in a person’s mind over and over. When a person is wronged by another, feelings of anger, sadness or disappointment may build which refuse to go away, eventually giving way to resentment. Read on to find out why resentment starts and how to Read More…
Endorphins and the Runner’s High
Exercise and working out can be natural endorphin boosters for anybody, particularly for individuals in recovery from addiction. Endorphins are the body’s natural mood booster, sometimes going to extremes to find the next sport or activity to provide a rush. The brain and body are designed to create natural highs. Learn more about how Read More…
Spiritual Recovery from Addiction
Addiction treatment focuses on many aspects of a person’s life. The journey to recovery from addiction is not a clear, even path but spirituality or focusing on a higher power can be helpful amidst the challenges recovery brings. Find out why spiritual recovery is part of addiction treatment and how to harness the power of Read More…