It’s Never Too Late to Get Help for Alcoholism

It’s Never Too Late to Get Help for Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a treatable condition which has been studied by the scientific community. The first step begins with admission of powerlessness over alcoholism in one’s life. Learn why it is never too late to seek help for addiction and how to get started.   The First Step Many people with addiction to alcohol struggle with Read More…

How Long Alcohol Stays in Blood

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Blood

The duration for which alcohol stays in the body depends upon several factors. Generally, the effects of alcohol can be felt within thirty minutes of consuming liquor. One drink stays in the system for around two hours. After an episode of binge drinking, it can take longer to return to a sober state. Alcohol acts Read More…

Alcoholism in the family

How Does My Alcoholism Affect My Family

Children with alcoholic parents are far more likely to become alcoholics themselves. The poor family environment affects them mentally, physically, and emotionally. They can suffer from behavior issues that make it difficult for them to function as adults. Communication issues, a legacy of their troubled childhood, follow them well into adulthood. The best thing to Read More…