Top 10 Enabling Behaviors

Enabling behavior can take many shapes and forms. The biggest challenge is that enabling does not help an individual with addiction to face the real problems addiction brings. Learn why enabling is not helping and how to notice the signs. Enabling Dealing with a person with addiction is not easy. If a person struggles with Read More…

Why Enabling is Not Helping

It can be difficult to discern the difference between enabling and helping but the fine line exists that can be critical to the success of an individual in seeking help for addiction. Anything that makes life easier for an individual with addiction is likely enabling. Helping is truly supporting the individual to seek help for Read More…

Enabling Addiction

Put an End to These Enabling Behaviors

Nearly one in four adults struggle with addiction which impacts the people around the individual with addiction as much as anyone else. Addictions are called a ‘family disease’ for this very reason which goes hand-in-hand oftentimes with enabling behaviors. Learn more about codependence in addictions, how it impacts families and ways to nip it in Read More…

Learn how to spot the difference between empowering and enabling tendencies.

How to Spot Enabling Tendencies

The desire to help people, particularly loved ones, is a noble pursuit. Parents desire to see children succeed in school and life. Spouses want to support one another in solving problems life throws out and friends want to help one another through difficult times. A well-meaning impulse can backfire when addiction is present and helping Read More…