Holistic treatments may be considered a fad but treating the mind, body and spirit is preferable to taking parts and trying to treat each individually. People with addiction and alcoholism requires a level of healing and self care that is important to recovery. Learn more about new age treatments including what works well and what Read More…
Why Exercise is Better Than Drugs
Exercise is a key to weight loss, in spite of what many people think about dietary changes. Everything should be taken in consideration of a bigger whole, not just piecemeal. Exercise can have many health benefits but it starts with a healthy lifestyle. Diseases Researchers have found when looking at the effects of exercise on Read More…
Exercise Your Way to a Better Mind-Body Connection
Fitness is a different concept than an active lifestyle. Activity means moving around and burning calories while doing a certain task. Fitness yields much higher returns and benefits, including endurance, heart health, muscle strength and greater coordination. Exercise is connected with improved mental and physical capabilities. Learn more about the ways exercises benefits an improved Read More…
Hydrotherapy Can Help Ease Your Pain
Constitutional hydrotherapy is a special technique in which alternating hot and cold compresses are applied to the torso and abdomen which greatly improves recovery from various illnesses or disorders. The goal is to stimulate the body’s own natural ability to heal itself. Learn more about how hydrotherapy can help ease both acute and chronic pain. Read More…
4 Sober Truths About Giving Up Alcohol
Giving up alcohol is not an easy decision but it is one of the best decisions a person can make for increased overall health and vitality. Many reasons exist why a person gives up drinking but some hard truths also go along with sober living. Find out why the four sober truths about giving up Read More…