Smoking is the leading cause of cancer and lung disease, and there are an estimated 45 million Americans who smoke. Smoking can also reduce life expectancies by a decade. The dangers of smoking are well known and according to the Centers for Disease Control 70% of smokers would like to quit smoking, but are simply Read More…
How Do I Beat Nicotine Addiction?
Nicotine users report a huge factor in continuing to use is the slightly euphoric sensation it produces. A habit can quickly become addiction as psychological and physical dependence on the stimulant take hold. Learn more about how addiction to nicotine begins and how to kick the habit. Addiction When nicotine is used to produce a Read More…
How Addictive is Nicotine?
Nicotine is addictive, it’s one of the reasons why cigarette smokers find it so hard to quit the habit. Nicotine dependence beats all other kinds of substance dependence in America. People take to smoking for different reasons. Pressure from friends in the same age group, a relaxed family attitude to smoking, personal inclinations, trying to Read More…