A single episode of binge drinking can result in withdrawal symptoms.

What are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Alcohol?

This article will help you understand the common side effects associated with alcohol withdrawal. Symptoms associated with withdrawal from alcohol are predictable and they arise when a heavy drinker gives up alcohol abruptly. The person abusing alcohol is most likely to be an adult. However cases of teens and children suffering from alcohol withdrawal symptoms are not uncommon. A single episode of binge drinking can result in withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol withdrawal is a medical condition experienced by those who either reduce the amount of liquor consumed or give up alcohol completely. Alcohol acts as a depressant on the central nervous system. Over time, the nervous system of a heavy drinker adjusts to achieve a state of homeostasis. If, suddenly, alcohol ceases to be the subject’s system or is available in lowered amounts, the altered state of the central nervous system leads to withdrawal.

Symptoms of withdrawal appear inside eight hours of the last drink. They may also take days to manifest. But generally, the most intense withdrawal symptoms are felt between one and four days after the last time alcohol was consumed. Symptoms include anxiety, depression, tiredness, tremors, mood changes, inability to think rationally, poor appetite, sweating, cold skin, headache, inability to sleep, pale skin, nausea, and tachycardia.

Mild withdrawal symptoms do not lead to complications. However, intense withdrawal symptoms in alcohol addicts can lead to medical situations and even death. Seizures, delirium, and hallucinations are witnessed when the withdrawal symptoms are harsh. These may be accompanied by intense agitation and high fever.

Regular deterioration of cognitive skills because of drinking can get exacerbated during withdrawal and may manifest as the Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, characterized by permanent memory disorder. Psychological issues concomitant with intense withdrawal include deep depression and substantial changes in physiology. These changes may remain even after initially extreme withdrawal symptoms have subsided. This can lead to a relapse and the addict might once again take to drink.

The latest developments in neurobiology offer hope to those who risk withdrawal related complications. Medication for minimizing the risk of seizures is given to such addicts. As a precaution, alcohol-related withdrawal should include medical care. This is because symptoms can quickly become serious. Rehabilitation centers that are equipped for inpatient treatment should be considered. Trained staff at these facilities can quickly identify and treat symptoms.

Alcohol withdrawal is a period when the addict is vulnerable to permanent physical and psychological damage. He requires treatment from qualified medical practitioners and de-addiction experts. The detoxification has to be carried out under medical supervision. This gives the recovering addict the best chance to go through the withdrawal phase and achieve sobriety.

If you wish to learn more about alcohol withdrawal, associated side effects and the best way to give up alcohol, then The Villa Treatment Center can help you. We offer you our expertise in addiction treatment and the assurance that you will receive the best possible care and healing from a world-class clinical team and a knowledgeable and kind support staff. Call us at 1-818-639-7160.
