
Can You Get Addicted to Hallucinogens?

Can You Get Addicted to Hallucinogens? In a word, yes. Certain types of hallucinogens can be addictive. While it is true that most mind altering drugs don’t lead to physical dependency or withdrawal symptoms, it is possible to develop a psychological dependence. The exception is PCP, which is highly addictive. Let’s look at the different Read More…

What is Tranquilizer Dependence and How Does it Start?

Tranquilizers such as Valium or Xanax can be dangerous when used inappropriately. Many individuals are not aware of the addictive and dangerous properties of using tranquilizers. Learn more about dependence and how it starts. What are Tranquilizers? Tranquilizers are drugs used to treat anxiety or sleeping disorders. With similar effects to alcohol, the nervous system Read More…

A Helpful Relapse Prevention Plan for Teens

When a person with addiction relapses after a period of being clean and sober, it can feel devastating. Nearly 40-60% of people with addiction relapse. It is likely something a person will struggle with for the whole of recovery although some relapse only once. If a teen is diagnosed with addiction, it is possible the Read More…

Can E-Cigarettes Help with Smoking Cessation?

Smoking is the leading cause of cancer and lung disease, and there are an estimated 45 million Americans who smoke. Smoking can also reduce life expectancies by a decade. The dangers of smoking are well known and according to the Centers for Disease Control 70% of smokers would like to quit smoking, but are simply Read More…

Can Co-Workers Notice Signs of Alcoholism?

It is a common belief among individuals with alcoholism that they are able to function normally in their workplace. Nonetheless, it can be obvious that an individual suffers from alcohol addiction. Chances are that the individual’s colleagues and bosses have already noticed some of the most common symptoms. Reduction in Ability of Level of Performance Read More…

Taking Responsibility for Teen Drug Addiction

Teen drug use is something no parents can really prepare for as every teen is different. A parent’s role in a child’s addiction can be uncomfortable as parents are meant to protect children and it can feel a violation of the parent-child contract when a young person turns to drugs. Learn about the signs of Read More…