How Can I Tell If Someone Is Addicted to Ecstasy?

How Can I Tell If Someone Is Addicted to Ecstasy?

MDMA, (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine) commonly known as Ecstasy, is considered by many to be a non habit-forming drug. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Regular use of Ecstasy forces the mind and body to adjust to it, and before long your system adapts to a new homeostasis. When this homeostasis is disturbed, cravings occur.

Withdrawal symptoms associated with Ecstasy abuse include depression, unnatural tiredness, and tachycardia. The physical dependency on Ecstasy means that the addict cannot function without consuming the drug.

If you, the reader, is aware of someone who abuses Ecstasy, then know that this person is in need of help. Here are the signs and symptoms associated with Ecstasy addiction. You can assess if a person is taking Ecstasy by looking for these symptoms.

Over the short term, Ecstasy users feel ecstatic, euphoric, mentally alert, energetic, and with heightened sensory perception. However, when the feel-good effects of Ecstasy subside and the levels of dopamine begin to subside, the addict’s body experiences a “crash”.

Addiction to Ecstasy is characterized by excessive use of this drug, failure to curtail drug use, prioritizing Ecstasy acquisition and consumption over other activities, inability to stop taking the drug even after being fully aware of the harm it is doing.

Over the years, different treatment programs have evolved to treat Ecstasy addiction.

Cognitive Behavioral Interventions (CBT) is a program that uses objective-focused procedures to tackle negative emotions and poor cognitive behavior. This therapy is preferred to treat withdrawal symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and mood disorders. CBT addresses psychological disorders via a manual process for groups and individuals.

Support groups are an essential part of aftercare. When the inpatient treatment process is over, and the recovering Ecstasy addict comes back home, then he should consider joining a support group from where he can draw encouragement to stay sober, and learn from the experiences of other reformed addicts. Narcotics Anonymous is a respected support group where peers help each other stay clean. Support from a group and sometimes guidance from a sponsor can prevent an addict from lapsing back into addiction.

Entering a detoxification clinic prepares your mind and body for the recovery process to follow. The subject’s progress is monitored and dietary changes recommended. Under the watchful eye of medical professionals, the subject finds it easier to negotiate the stage of withdrawal. The learning acquired during the detoxification stage helps him strengthen his resolve to stay away from Ecstasy.

If you’ve got any questions about the signs and symptoms of Ecstasy abuse, then the trained recovery experts at The Villa Treatment Center can help you with the answers. The Villa can guide you in selecting a treatment protocol ideal for the addict’s health, strength of addiction, and finances.

