How to Find the Best Rehab Program Near You

How to Find the Best Rehab Program Near You

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) estimates $700 billion is spent in the United States on drugs or alcohol. Learn how to discern which program is best for a loved one and how to get started in the search.


Types of Treatment Programs

The success rate of rehab programs differs for each individual. A rehab program may include the following:

  • Counseling (individual, group or family)
  • Intensive outpatient (IOP)
  • Partial hospitalization
  • Residential treatment
  • Sober living


The best case scenario for a treatment program may come down to how much insurance coverage an individual has and how much can be allocated for program expenses.


Treatment Tips

The following tips may be helpful for families of a loved one to consider when searching for possible treatment options.


Explore the possibilities

Become educated on all choices and options available before making a selection and choose from a variety of places available within the set budget.


Open lines of communication

Maintain good rapport and communication with loved one who has addiction. It is in everyone’s best interest and well-being to set healthy boundaries and express needs and desires as appropriate.


Assess the time frame

The duration of treatment will vary depending on suitability for each individual situation. Length of stay varies on a case-by-case basis, generally in the range of 28-90 days. A 28-day program will be a starting point for individuals with drug or alcohol addiction while a 90-day program will provide a foundation on how to quit drugs or alcohol.


Location of rehabilitation program

Where a facility is located can make a big difference. Whether it is across the county or several hours away, it is best to consider the isolation and distance a person may experience prior to making the decision.


Plan to ask questions

As parent or legal guardian, a family member may need to plan ahead to register a loved one into a program. Try to explore between 5-10 possible options to get something within budget and covered by insurance. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) details questions to ask a facility prior to visiting:

  • How well is the facility maintained?
  • What are meals like?
  • Do they take care of people with drug abuse issues?
  • Is there a pathway or process for detox?
  • What is the success rate in recovery?
  • Does the place have accreditation?


Research ahead of time will save some headaches later. It is in the best interest of everyone to look into all options before deciding where to send a loved one for treatment. Each place will have unique options and challenges so do the research ahead of time to fully support an individual’s needs and goals for a healthy, long-term recovery.


If your loved one struggles with addiction and needs treatment, the Villa is here to assist you in making positive, healthy choices. Call us to find out how we can support you in locating treatment options that suit your loved one’s needs, goals and budget.


