What is Crack Withdrawal?

What is Crack Withdrawal?

Crack is a very addictive form of cocaine, and it does not take long to get hooked on to this drug. Once you’re physically and mentally dependant on crack, getting out of the habit is a challenge because of the withdrawal symptoms attached with this addiction. Without help and therapy, it is very difficult to resist the cravings and combat the acute depression and anxiety that accompanies withdrawal.

In order to understand withdrawal from crack, it is essential to know what dependence on the drug entails. Physical dependence on crack occurs when the body learns to tolerate crack to the extent that it cannot function properly without the drug being present in the system. Crack enhances and amplifies sensations. Sensations of pleasure are heightened. The brain’s working is altered. As time passes, tolerance to crack forces addicts to consume the drug in greater quantities or more frequently in order to experience the high.

For one to four days, you will experience symptoms of paranoia and hallucinations. This stage is characterized by extreme alertness and being in a state of fear. In the first week, you will try your best to convince yourself and others that your addiction is under control and that there is no longer any need for treatment. While you may show signs of regaining your health, the cravings will persist. The chances of relapse during this stage are high. This is a major reason why rehabilitation of crack addicts should take place in a de-addiction center where the trained staff can treat and guide them, and preempt any attempts at drug consumption.

The second week after cessation of taking crack is characterized by acute depression and a strong desire for the drug. The increase in dopamine in the brain will stimulate a desire for the drug. You may experience dissatisfaction with your surroundings.

In the third week, you will experience mood swings because of your body still struggling with an altered state of homeostasis. If you have abused crack for long, then withdrawal symptoms may persist for up to six years. You should consider psychiatric treatment along with medical care and therapy. The combined effect of these treatment protocols will help you fight depression and repair chemical imbalances in the body.

Crack use for extended periods can lead to PAWS, or post acute withdrawal syndrome – the condition manifests around three months after the last dose of crack. In this condition, the brain requires a lot of time to repair damaged cells and regain its original state. PAWS is a stressful condition and very often, recovering addicts experience a relapse because of being unable to cope with the strain caused by PAWS.

The Villa Treatment Center can help you negotiate the phase of crack withdrawal and regain sobriety. Our facility offers detox under medical supervision, therapies, diet care, and psychiatric care. We know that the mind and body have to come together synergistically in order to beat crack addiction. Call us. 1-818-639-7160
